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The Secret Services get your friends to admit that you are a total shit. A crook, a pederast, despoiler of virgins or whatever. Friends? Well, the boys have experience at this business. They play on envy, jealousy, ambivalence or whatever.
All people, Russians, Germans, Brits, are the same as are their Secret Services. When the East Germans opened their Secret Police files to the public, it was found that friends betrayed friends routinely, just as they do here. They lied and told the Secret Police what they wanted to hear. They may be frightened or just gratified, or just vile people, but they do it. And the Cold War was probably just an excuse. (See Philip Knightley on a looking-glass war in 'States of Secrecy, a Review of the File, a Personal History' by Tim Garton Ash in the Independent, 5 July 1997.)
The CIA do the same and were taught by the British. Whistle blowers and renegade CIA folk are hounded around the USA mercilessly. 'Why are you employing a Commie traitor? Do your customers know? Your advertisers?'
Your neighbours who rat on you are not evil but normal. They may be bad neighbours with a score to settle, but they are average, ordinary Brits. The Intelligence guys, however, are total shits, who will make up dirt if they cannot find a mouth to put it into and extract it as spontaneous grassing. Really principled, honest, intelligent folk are pretty rare and not a protected species. The bastards have consciences to warm their hearts. They enjoy being persecuted. They need the Intelligence Services to harass them, so they can feel like Christian martyrs. They make the average Secret Service guy going about his proper business as a super shit feel distinctly queasy and restless.
Why cannot these moral arseholes and principled pricks act human? A good question.
6 July 1997
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I am a prisoner. I live in internal exile. No income, no career, no reputation. The Intelligence Services gave me a life sentence. They can control me whenever they wish, which means whenever I get near to blowing the whistle on them.
Some Scots boys on the make are also prisoners. They are politicians, decent blokes at heart, and of course democrats. They are prisoners too. In theory they control the Secret Services. In fact, they are prisoners of a system they dare not change. When Ramsay Macdonald asked to see his Secret Service file he was refused. Harold Wilson used the Secret Services for dirty jobs and then was surprised when they played dirty with him. Even Marcia, who had guts, could not make Harold stand up to them. Because Harold was being blackmailed?
So Tony, Robin and Gordon are human and have skeletons in their cupboards. So what? Would the Secret Services dare spill the beans, spread the dirt? Tony and Company are too young to have dirty hands on Nigeria. Maybe they would, when in Opposition, have blown the whistle, but perhaps they felt powerless. I would not agree with that as exposure would have revealed the incredible criminality, and at the very least an enquiry would have been mounted. Look at the fuss, a mere nothing in comparison, of the 'cash for questions' furore! MPs were peddling supposed power and influence they did not really have. They should have been reported to the Trading Standards Officers.
How did Robin Butler not collapse in fits of laughter when the Cabinet discussed open government? The man in charge of all intelligence, black government operations, told to bring in measures which, if honestly operated, would destroy the Secret State which he controls! We know, of course, that open government is simply a charade, a pretence, a fake, a phoney. The real game is New Labour equals old fudge.
In a true democracy those who have sacrificed a great deal in defence of democracy would be honoured and not reviled. The secret black government can destroy my reputation, blacken my character, destroy my career, spy on me and take away all my rights. The élite statesmen, officials, dignitaries, Cabinet members, will not lift a finger to help me. Poor old Tony and Robin and Gordon are guilty of covering up treason, now that we have found out that there is to be no change of policy towards the Smiths by New Labour. Tony and Company will pretend that they did not know. No one will believe them, but they will get away with it as Mrs Thatcher did every day she was in power, and Robin and Company are her children.
We live in a pretend democracy which suits New Labour fine. With a massive majority, Tony and Company intend keeping the black Government intact and may even extend it, for measures will be needed to outwit and circumvent the supposed Freedom of Information legislation etc. Nothing will change. The black government will target the Smiths to prevent the State criminality, condoned by Tony's silence, being exposed to the British people.
The common people believe that it is enemies abroad who must be the whole point of having the Secret Services. Wrong! It is the public who must never find out about the criminal actions of the secret black government. The British public are the enemy who must be kept in the dark. The Secret Services exist to stop them finding out what is being done in their name. The Head of State, the Speaker, the Lords, the Judges, the Mandarins, the all powerful Cabinet Secretary are the enemies of democrats like the Smiths. We are dangerous, because we know far too much and we are honest. All the eminent people who turn away when we plead for help are not full-time criminals and fascists, only part-timers. Hypocrisy and self-deception are so common in British public life that the poor feeble troopers we are writing about, headed now by three new Scottish Musketeers, would be shocked at our truthful, accurate indictment to which there is no credible defence whatsoever. Not the ill-educated trade union barons of old, but the very élite of University graduates, elected on an anti-sleaze platform and precious little else of substance.
Tony and Robin and Gordon are decent people on the make like many a Scot. They are career makers, political artists, acting out a role. Whitehall politics is cant and nonsense and humbug. Aren't they good at it? When starting out they loathed the secret black government. Now they are part of it and think that they can control it. Whatever happened to conscience?
The Smiths are in hot water as ever, but it keeps us clean.
7 July 1997
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