Republic of Biafra
Liberation/Sovereignty Fund
Worldwide Appeal
Please use the Donate button above to make your donation using your credit card through SECURE Paypal.
If you prefer to mail your donation, or prefer to use other methods, please follow instructions below.
Enclosed is my
donation/renewal contribution to the Liberation and Independence of the
Igbo/Biafra Homeland. Please give our children a secure and prosperous
Other: $_______
Your Name: _____________________________________________________________________
1. Biafra Foundation (BF)
Suite 300
Washington, DC
For direct bank transfer:
2. Biafra Liberation in Exile (BILIE)
Bank Name: Erste Österreichische Bank Address: 1010 VIENNA, GRABEN 21, AUSTRIA Name of the account: BILIE - Biafra Liberation In Exile BIC: GIBAATWWXXX IBAN: AT862011129417864900
3. Iroko Cultural Support Association (IROKO)
For direct bank transfer:
Acct number: 0075-1072-55-060-0095251
The Genocidal war – the resolve by the Nigerian state to cleanse itself of all
traces of Igbo and other Biafrans – began actively in 1966 and was only
punctuated by the ending of the Biafra War in January 1970; it continues today,
forty years later, in various other forms. The program was to wipe out from the
face of the Earth all Biafrans, out of hatred and envy, more than anything else.
When the unprovoked formal hostilities ended in 1970, Nigeria had nearly
Our people, Biafrans fought gallantly in self-defense and sacrificed everything
including their lives. The toll was heavy: 3.1 million suckling babies, their
mothers, pregnant women killed and their bellies cut open, the fetuses taken out
and smashed to death; children and grownups were murdered in most gruesome and
unimaginable manner. It was so horrendous! But the sacrifices of these our
unsung heroes paid off because some of us are still here today, we were not
completely wiped out as Nigeria had planned.
Forty years have gone by since the end of the pogrom and every terrible
condition that led to the first declaration of the Republic of Biafra on the
30th of May 1967 still obtains; they are even worse now. In the 1960’s our
parents fought in the face of a real and actualized danger to prevent our entire
people from being exterminated from the Earth. Today we are still faced with the
same threat which with the passage of time has multiplied in number and become
more subtle and sophisticated.
And because we know that many of us are already aware of these atrocities, we
will not bore you with the catalog of all the many dehumanizing conditions to
which our people and Homeland have been subjected all these decades. We just
want to tell you of our resolve to put a permanent stop to all the oppression
and injustices because it is in our power as human beings so to do.
We have come to accept the fact that due to the fundamental flaws of the
structure of the Nigerian state we can never any day achieve self-respect,
progress, safety, security and prosperity for ourselves and our children within
Nigeria. These are the same conditions that led to the declaration of Biafra as
a Sovereign and Independent State in 1967. Therefore we have resolved to
actualize Biafra now and for all times, in order to make effective the
separation of ourselves and Homeland permanently from Nigeria. This step has
become necessary because, if there was any doubt or hesitance before, we are now
totally convinced that it is only within a free and equitably structured society
can we survive and thrive to achieve our true potentials as individuals and as a
We have many programs and projects lined up which will lead to the actualization
of this goal of freedom and independence for our people and Homeland and
therefore, look forward to your generous support. Please note that all donations
through Biafra Foundation* are tax-deductible in the USA.
So we ask you to give to the best of your ability in support of this project
because a people’s future—ours—and hope will depend on it. The contribution is
not limited to financial donations but can also include all other forms of
assistance that will lead to the achievement of this our avowed goal,
self-determination and independence.
Every contribution of any kind will be highly appreciated while we will forever
remain grateful for your past support.
Yours sincerely
Osita Ebiem