Worldwide Demonstration (WWD) in recognition and support of Biafra Self-Determination and ActualizationStaged by Biafrans in Diapsora and friends May 27, 5005 Event Report __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Memorandum Statement for Media & Diplomatic Missions Graz, Austria Gabon Dublin, Ireland Pretoria, South Africa Karkov, Ukraine Reaction Photo Gallery Appreciation Letter Printer-friendly version of report
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Memorandum on Worldwide Demonstration (WWD) by Pro-Biafran Organizations Pro-Biafran Organizations are groups who support, believe in, and work towards the actualization of the Sovereign and Independent State of Biafra; and at the same time, endorse and fully support MASSOB (Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra) and its method of non-violence and non-cooperation with the oppressor, Nigeria. Implicit in the above is an unequivocal understanding that: 1) it is the destiny of Biafra and her people to be a Sovereign and Independent Nation; 2) it is the duty and moral obligation of all Biafrans to achieve Biafra sovereignty in the current time-frame; 3) the right to collective self-determination as a race or nation or group is inalienable; naturally endowed; and is articulated as such and supported by the United Nations; 4) Non-violence coupled with non-cooperation with the persecutor is an effective and preferred method to accomplish the goal of Biafra Actualization. Civil action consistent with the above in any civil arena whether in Biafraland, Nigeria, or elsewhere in the world, isolated or coordinated, locally or globally, is a universally recognized avenue for the accomplishment of self-determination goals. In all places outside of the oppressor’s territory, the law of the land as it applies to such civil action will be strictly adhered to by Biafrans and pro-Biafran organizations. In any territory or territories controlled by Nigeria, civil disobedience is proper because Nigerian laws are self-serving to the oppressor, and are unjust laws specifically designed to further dis-empower the oppressed and aggrieved. Groups participating in WWD who adhere to this memorandum by their conduct and by their statements and expressions will have upheld the legitimate principles and spirit of the Biafran struggle; Biafra endorses their actions fully and without equivocation; Biafra fully supports them. Biafra Actualization Forum (BAF) May 2005. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Statement for the Media and Diplomatic Missions WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE ARE DOING We represent the Nation of Biafra, located in what was the Eastern Region of Nigeria, in the former territory of Biafra of 1967-1970. Ongoing and relentless persecution and selective dehumanization and dispossession of Biafrans in Nigeria, by Nigeria, dictate only one viable course to Biafrans: the completion of the separation of Biafra from Nigeria, a process started in 1967. Our action today is the expression of the plan, and unwavering commitment, of the people of the nation of Biafra to self-determination, resulting in the complete independence and recognition of Biafra as a Sovereign Nation. Self-determination is the right of every nation in the world today, a self-evident, inalienable and moral right; a right which is also supported by the United Nations Charter. Attached is the relevant memorandum for this civil action. It is clear that we do not support or condone any conduct which might run contrary to the laws of your Nation governing this type of civil activity; nor do we condone or advocate violence. We are committed to not just doing what is right for our people, but also, what is in fact morally necessary and called for by our shared humanity. Our goal is the Sovereign Independent Nation of Biafra; we are committed to achieving it. WHY WE ARE FOR BIAFRA INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY Recent reports of the United States Intelligent Council made public in Nigeria, predict that within 15 years, Nigeria will collapse. We have to assume that you have similar Intelligence conclusions. While the dysfunctional symptoms endemic in Nigeria drive such conclusions, the British have also recently pointed out the root-cause of the problem of Nigeria: the forced amalgamation, during colonial rule, of erstwhile different sovereign and independent ethnic nations who shared nothing in common except boundaries, a forced union accomplished without the consent of these ethnic nations. Post-Independence Nigeria (like other countries in Africa) retained and tried to sustain and maintain such a flawed and trouble-ridden foundational structure, with the typical disastrous consequences that the entire world has come to witness in Nigeria and other African countries. Our experience, facts and history lead us to conclude that without the restoration of the original sovereignty and independence of these original ethnic nations, Nigeria in particular and Africa in general will continue to be rocked by strife and cursed with suffering, genocide, ethnic intolerance, ethnic cleansing, and dehumanization. These injustices have been the lot of Biafra and Biafrans forced to live in Nigeria as Nigerians. Biafra independence and sovereignty will solve these problems and prevent further degradation and annihilation of Biafra by Nigeria. We understand the concerns of the world community regarding stability and peace. It is clear, though, that neither stability nor peace can be achieved in the face of such grave injustice and obvious fundamental structural errors, especially when, in fact, such errors can be corrected by restructuring. We have subscribed to a nonviolence methodology to achieve Biafra sovereignty and independence, but we must not fail to register our disappointment that the world has not reacted to the violence being visited on us who are unarmed and defenseless, by the government and agents of Nigeria, in the course of our nonviolence drive for the actualization of Biafra. We are also sensitive to the concerns of the world about possible interruption of Oil flow; however, clearly, what jeopardizes oil supply and flow from the region is the continued acquiescence of the world to ongoing injustices perpetrated on those from whose soil the oil is being tapped. Surely, directly supporting the sovereignty and legitimate sovereign ownership of a nation’s resources, instead of supporting an overbearing colonial-style government such as Nigeria is, is the path that guarantees the stability of oil flow from the region.. WHAT WE HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH WITH THIS ACTION We would like to remind the world that the self-determination exercise of Biafrans for Biafra sovereignty is in full swing. We are using a non-violent process, even while the government of Nigeria is applying lethal and deadly force coupled with blackmail and intimidation against us. We ask your Nation and every Nation in the world to support Self Determination as an inalienable right of every nation in the world; and to promote a non-violent, equitable process for its accomplishment. Biafra Actualization Forum Worldwide Demonstration (WWD); May 27, 2005 ___________________________________________________________________________ Graz, Austria May 27, 2005 Let me also report that what we had here in Austria yesterday was a mother of all demonstrations. The entire city of Graz stood still for over five hours yesterday. a bit by bit photo shorts of the event which we will post here as soon as they are ready will definitely recapitulate the point i4m trying to stress here. Apart from the intimidating crowd, the march was led and directed by over fifty Austrian police men and women! Just wait for the shorts. OGUCHI HENRY. _____________________________________________________________________ Gabon May 27, 2005 I want to let you know that the WWD excercise was more successful than we expected here in Gabon according to the limits we had and it was without problems,misconducts,violence. Rev. Georginus Eke Onbehalf of B.L.F.Gabon, The OWUWANYANWU ASSOCIATION OF GABON ______________________________________________________________________ Dublin, Ireland May 30 2005 Great Biafrans, The WWD day which we marked today 30th of May 2005 here in Dublin was remarkably successful. I must salute at this stage the organizers in Ireland under the auspices of International Movement for Biafra Actualization (IMBA). The IMBA members throughout Ireland as planned converged in their numbers at GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin by 10am this morning and took off soon afterwards first to the Prime Minister's Office where letters (packages) where submitted to the Prime minister, The President, Justice Minister and Foreign Minister. From there we proceeded to the US Embassy, British Embassy, Netherlands Embassy, French Embassy all on Merrion Street, Ballsbridge and later to the Israeli Embassy. Finally the peaceful march took us to the Deputy prime Minister's Office where we similarly submitted a letter. We will return to the starting point the GPO at 2:00pm. It is worth recalling the just after converging at 10am, heaven opened its doors and showers of blessing continuously dropped on us until we ended the march. Despite the rain, the gallant Irish Police (Gardai) marched on with us, some with their escort bikes and others marching in front, by the sides and behind us. Traffic was controlled excellently by these fellows and in all it was a beautiful and worthwhile enlighten outing. Thousands of fliers were shared to people and if there is anything one can say, it was a successful WWD for Biafrans in Ireland. The International Community must the message. Biafra must soon be a Sovereign Nation. God bless Biafra. Chukwunyere Madu. MASSOB Activist _________________________________________________________________ Pretoria, South Africa May 27, 2005 Great Biafrans! Biafran National Congress (MASSOB) Observed the WWD here on a very high note. The whole process started with massive mobilization drives and joint meetings of all the cells in Johannesburg, Benoni, Kempton Park, Braamfontein, Germiston and Midrand. The cells were mandated to double in size within the month of May by all means necessary, of which they all did. We continued with securing 2hrs airtime with Voice F.M during when we used to sensitize the South African Public of our plight and struggles and also highlighted the unjust incarcerations of MASSOBIANS by the Obasanjo regime. On 25th may were went on a walk around all Johannesburg giving our flyers to all Biafrans and sympathizers in their places of business and work, the people at Germiston, Benoni, Kempton Park, Midrand and Braamfontein did also the same. The flyers were printed over 20,000 pieces really went around (showing remains Biafrans being dumped into mass graves, Biafran Children with Kwashiorkor and a pathetic picture of a Biafran kid leading his sibling running away from a riot in Kaduna. With a caption "will stand up against these atrocities against Biafrans, or will you forever keep quiet? -Join/ Support MASSOB/BNC Today"), and was the topic of discussions among Biafrans, Nigerians and South Africans alike prior to the March. On the 27th we converged in front of the Highpoint building at Kotze Street we had several Buses and Private cars ferry all the activists to Pretoria from all nooks and crannies of South Africa congregating all at Brown Street Pretoria. From whence the Metro police escorted us round the City of Pretoria (now re-named Tswane) and to Schoeman Street where we handed our Memorandum to Mr. Kofi Anan via the UN representatives Robert Kuestles and Scholastica Kimaryo.(We also distributed about 100 copies of the entire The case for Biafra as contained in to top officials of the UN that were present at the march and other VIP around on that date) After that we went around the whole city distributing and explaining our case to people and dispersed later after light refreshment back at Brown Street. Generally the March was a success and saw a large turn- out bigger than our earlier March to the South African seat of Government (the Union Buildings) on march 16 March.(We will post pictures of the march here when they are ready) We want to thank all our Comrades all over the world who honored this clarion call and to our Foot soldiers on Ground Zero (Nigeria) we are with you in all your struggles to free our land and our promise is that we will never relent but will stand shoulder to shoulder with all Biafran Actualization activists until there is Freedom of the Biafran Aluta Continua! Biafra is Sure! Sunny-Unachukwu C.J For Biafra National Congress (BNC) _________________________________________________________________________ Karkov, Ukraine May 27, 2005 Umu Biafra, it is nice that we are doing all our activities with non violence,God almighty knows that we are fighting for our freedom and nothing more.In Kharkov Ukraine it was a bit difficult for many Biafrans to join the demostration because here Saturday is a very busy day since most Biafrans here have there businesses in the biggest international wholesale market in Europe which is located in Kharkov Ukraine and since saturday is one of the most busy days for us it was difficult for most of them to join the demostration but thank God that those who couldn't make did little contribution of either paying for chatered bus for those without vehicles or offering snaks and drinks for all members.We drove to the United nation office in the victory squre without noise tendered our motive and passed our message to Kofi Anan and president Bush. Tomorrow being monday I will personally go as the leader of Biafrans in ukraine to the international organization for human right and also drop our letter message to them.Am sure it will contribute alot towards achieving our freedom. Biafra Ndugi. Chukwuemeka ______________________________________________ Reaction On the eve: Umu Biafra, On behalf of the WWD committe, I wish you all a successful and peaceful demonstration. Please go out today and fly our, Biafra will be proud of you all. Let the sun rise again! Jisie nu ike, Mazi E. J. Uzochukwu_________________________________ Fellow Biafrans! This is to notify all our comrades that we are very ready for the WWD. and will be marching to the U.N office in Pretoria tommorrow. We will give you briefing on the outcome of events. Biafra Forever! Sunny-Unachukwu Chukwuemeka On Behalf of Biafra National Congress South Africa. _________________________________ Worldwide Demonstration (WWD) May 27 2005: Godspeed, Biafrans! On May 27 2005, Biafrans all over the world: Do Biafra proud! God is with you. Moderator, Biafra Actualization Forum (BAF) _________________________________ Post event Great Biafrans, Brother Chuks Madu did say it the way it is. But I must add that it was like we are in Biafra already. Some challenging things inspired me greatly. One, some Igbo-Biafrans who were just passing by without prior knowledge of the march came to us and identified themselves as Biafrans, took our contact phone number before taking their leave; some of them returned eventually to join the march. As we chanted along some Igbos that saw us could no longer resist the urge to shout, 'Biafra kwenu!' A white Irish man that received our handout at the place we converged decided there and then to join the march and stayed with us till we declared the day's business over. Another Irish young woman was so supportive that she asked us to open a register so as to galvanize the signatures of our supporters. A staff of the Israeli embassy was told that we are their brethren said ' I know it', so he wished us a headway in this project. All the embassy staff that met us knew Biafra! We asked the British embassy staff that came to meet us if he knew Biafra, he answered, 'yes of course'. We told him we love the British people and the British government and handed him the letter. Citizens of Biafra, the ball is in our court. We need to ask in order to receive. What we (Biafrans worldwide) have done these few days needs to be repeated. The momentum is very high now and there is no going back. The effects of even our weakest actions are felt within the corridors of power all over the world. Fifteen years that the American intelligence report predicts for the collapse of Nigeria might be too long after all. Many Nigerians we met today were beginning to accept the harsh reality of the eventual existence of Biafra. God is great! Some Igbos were apologising regretting fervently for not being there with us today. We will not rest until victory is proclaimed for Biafra. Long live Biafra! Ezekwesiri. __________________________________________________ It's really a great and wonderful thing to see Biafrans struggle from outside NONE-GERIA, but we should all bear in mind that we have to make things happen even in NONE-GERIA =, we don’t have to wait on Chief Ralph Uwazurike to declare biafra before we start making things happen. So my fellow umunna please lets make biafra a reality not just outside NONE-GERIA. greetings to all you biafrans in Ireland, may God in his riches reward you also you biafrans within and without NONE-GERIA know that GOD in His infinite mercies has started blessing you . AMEN THIS IS YOUR SON ONYEBUCHI BIAFRA ABALOBI FROM IRELAND, DUBLI __________________________________________________ Action, self-reliance, the vision of self and the future have been the only means by which the oppressed have seen and realized the light of their own freedom by Marcus Garvey
I am indeed very satisfy by the action of the BIAFRAN and our demonstration, the true is that not even UN or BUSH will give us BIAFRA or freedom but only our self will free our people. We’ll never give peace to Nigeria not till we have peace as BIAFRA. Its time every BIAFRA will play his or her part because tomorrow might be late.
Martin Luther king Jr says we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (I say the silent of our ignorant people) __________________________________________________ I stand tall in respect and salute to you brethren in South Africa, in Ireland, in Austria, Gabon, the Gulf, on Ground Zero (Egypt) and the world over for this historic feat. BF may want to collate the reports and issue a special press release to be directed to the US government, the British government, the European Commission, the United Nations and to any other entity it may concern and interest. There is also the need to address such communications to all colonial governors and LGA Chairmen in the whole of Biafraland. Let us harvest the good proceeds of WWD and make something out of it. Jisie nu ike Emenike __________________________________________________ dear mazi uzochukwu, i want to tell you that i received the first photos you sent. i want to say may God of Hebrew/biafrans bless you all that paticipated sincerely on the rally. we may like to do more in nigeria except that obasanjo is a pharoh against biafrans. unu emeka, amaechi __________________________________________________ Congratulations folks for pulling this off. Today we had our Biafra memorial service in New Jersey. Playing the Biafran Anthem was reassuring. I left before the conclusion of the ceremonies but I am sure a lot more happened as people were still trickling is as I was leaving for other family matters. You will be updated. Cornelius _________________________________________________ When a people feel that they've been pushed to the walls and they want their future, no one can determine their furture but the people. Asked for my opinion, no amount of internal and external enemies can stop this train for it already on track and moving at a good speed.
Oliver Obi __________________________________________________ Umu Biafra, We did it, everyone need to be proud of what we achieved on Friday, 27th of May, 2005. The attached photo is the picture of WWD in Graz (Austria). Stay tuned for more information......... Mazi E. J. Uzochukwu ____________________________________________________________ Umu Biafra, With all the reports coming in, and the awareness created all over the world where Biafrans are living, I will say, that the WWD project was more than successful. The battle was hard, but we won it at last. I was personally at Graz (Austria) to take part in the demonstration and Oguchi Henry had said it all. My praises goes to the Chairman, Secretary, Social Secretary and all the members of the Oriental Committee of Friends which is like the Igbo Union, for mobilizing Biafrans living in Graz. For now, I will not write much because the hands are so tired after a long drive to and from Graz, but I will like the pictures to speak further. Jisie nu ike, and on this note, I thank all Biafrans for letting the sun rise again on 27th of May, 2005. Stay tuned for more information ...... Mazi E. J. Uzochukwu ____________________________________________________________Henry, We can't wait to see the photos, good job my brothers. Oliver Obi ____________________________________________________________ well done biafran brothers in south africa. how i wish all conerned biafrans in other parts of the world will be as zealous as you are making us to believe, biafran awareness would have been as popular as madela's case during the appatite in south africa. you brother unachukwu and your members should know that we the members of massob in nigeria read with excitement and motivation, the information we are receiving on how you are now taking the bull by the horn.this is what supposed to be happening now so that our home coming will fast track. ka chineke gbaa unu umeh na oru unu nile, amen. may the God of the Hebrews/Biafrans grant us victory. udo diri unu nile, amaechi uzoechi massob, in nigeria. _________________________________________________________________________ Photo Gallery  Graz, Austria (above and below) 