This is the News Analysis segment of the Voice of Biafra International (VOBI) broadcasts


For June 2nd 2007


You have heard the news; now, the analysis…


Fellow Biafrans:


The Declaration of Biafra Independence,

Tuesday May 30, 1967:

A Recommittal to the Declaration of Biafra Independence,

Wednesday, May 30, 2007.





May 30, 2007


Fellow Biafrans:


Forty years following the original declaration of Biafra Independence, we Biafrans rise today to re-commit ourselves to this noble declaration, its spirit, substance and implications, our Independence being our right and our destiny, and a manifestation and symbolism of our Freedom and Liberty.


Those forty years have validated the wisdom and propriety of the declaration of Biafra Independence: these forty years do now compel the re-actualization of Independent Biafra.


Having witnessed and experienced, all these years, the unrelenting stranglehold of Nigeria on Biafra;


Unwilling to continue to suffer under the pernicious polices of Nigeria against Biafra and Biafrans;


Certain that a future under Nigeria, based on past and present facts and realities, does not exist for us Biafrans, except as exploited and dehumanized slaves rendered worthless as human beings;


Understanding that, in any case, Nigeria is a failed State barely kept going by mocking and unconscionable patronization by outside Stakeholder-Powers and Principalities; and refusing to allow ourselves to be throttled and dragged down with Nigeria;


Now, therefore, we, the people and Nation of Biafra, do DECLARE THAT:


(i)            We re-affirm the original declaration of the Independence of Biafra

(ii)          We are taking charge of our own collective Destiny as an Independent Sovereign Nation of Biafra

(iii)         We undertake the actualizing of Independent Biafra as a natural task to claim a Natural right

(iv)         We know that the Law and Rules of civil Humanity are on our side: Self Determination is an inalienable Natural right; it is recognized in the United Nations Charter; we exercise this right to actualize Independent Biafra.

In making and re-affirming this declaration, we make neither war, nor peace, with Nigeria: we merely exercise our right as a people and a nation, which is our prerogative, and of which there is plenty of precedence. It is our desire to enter into negotiations with Nigeria to resolve “negotiables” peacefully.


An Independent Biafra restores stability and security to the region, allowing the people and their environment to heal and finally to thrive, while at the same time, creating a favorable climate for International relations, business and commerce.


An Independent Biafra is a ray of Hope for Africa which we are determined to nurture and turn into a source-torch to share with and brighten the rest of the continent.


Long live the Independent Nation of Biafra!


And may God continue to protect her and all those who live in her.





Biafra alive! Because it is God Who makes it so.


That’s the News Analysis for the week. Thank you.



God bless and keep Biafra, and you, until our next broadcast. Voice of Biafra International (VOBI) broadcast continues (, now with the summary of the News Analysis in Igbo language.


Ndi Biafra, ekele e o-o!  Anyi e kelee unu.


Nkea wu akuko nke anyi na a kpo News Analysis, si na Voice of Biafra International Radio, di na Washington DC, na ala America, na a bia ra unu na abali a.


Anyi kwuru na ihe anyi mere na 1967 a na a kpo Declaration of Biafra Independence, na na afo 2007 na na oge na abia na ihu, anyi ka kwu chim na ya.


Ihe dum mere anyi jiri site na Nigeria puo na 1967, ihe ojoo na njo ahu ka no kwa taa; Eziokwu wu na aru na njo Nigeria ka na a me anyi taa a kariala a karia.


Mara zie unu na Declaration of Biafra Independence ka di kwa ndu taa; o ka di kwa ire; na anyi na e kwu ya ozo; na anyi kwadoro ya ruo mgbe-e-bighi-e-bi.


Biafra a wughi Nigeria—mba: o nweghizi ike Biafra a wuru mpampa Nigeria: mba! Biafra kwuru onwe ya; Biafra norola onwe ya. Anyi wu nde Biafra. Otu ahu ka o di; otu ahu ka o ga a digide oge na ile.


Biafra: biri kwa!


Biafra, ndu gi! Biafra, ndu gi!! Biafra, ndu gi!!!—na ndu anyi kwa. Maka Chineke nonyere la gi—nonyere kwa ra anyi!


Ndewo unu!



Voice of Biafra International (VOBI) broadcast continues


Voice of Biafra International (VOBI)
A SHORTWAVE Radio Broadcast Service
transmitting on 7380 kHz (on 41 meter band)
at 2100 - 2200 Hours UTC (Universal Time [Coordinated])
equivalent to 10.00pm - 11.00pm Biafraland time
every Saturday
A project of
Biafra Foundation (BF)  and  Biafra Actualization Forum (BAF)