This is the News Analysis segment of the Voice of
You have heard the news; now, the analysis…
“My peoples and my nations shall not be sacrificed for the sake of preserving a worthless idea called Nigeria.” So speaketh the Lord. And so it is.
“The peoples and their nations must live and thrive, though the name and concept of
Fellow Biafrans: Trifle not with the Word of God. For, the Word of God is, God.
While there is nothing dramatic to show at this time, we trust that it is clear to you that we, of Biafra, have entered a new era. Since
We understand that there are those Biafrans who might be disappointed because there were no formal declarations, and that this bit of news was not reported on CNN or on BBC. Well, if it is any consolation, the things that will affect your life are rarely on BBC or CNN. What would be most unfortunate is, however, if any of this group became dejected or discouraged enough to think of giving up on Biafra. If this describes you, get out of it, beat off the sand and dust, stand up, and let’s move on. The journey is continuing, and there is only one goal:
Let us reiterate that the formation of a government in exile is a process and not an event. It is a very serious undertaking. It is a process that has, in fact, started even without your knowing it. Remember, government is formed by the people; it is not formed over the people. This may be a difficult concept since your idea of a government is the fraud and evil imposed on the peoples suffering in Nigeria, crushing them like a heavy cross: that travesty called Nigerian government. That is not government: it is a contraption held together by dictatorship and by thieves and uncouth, unscrupulous and sometimes mentally unbalanced, persons and their fellow-criminals.
Government is formed by the people. It’s about the people; it’s for the people, it’s of the people. Government is not about so-called leaders or appointments, not about offices and officials, nor perks nor privileges; it’s not about pompous titles and ceremony. Government is the people. The people. The people. We cannot emphasize this enough: Government is all about the people—the people’s will, the people’s business, the people’s welfare, the people’s progress and collective life-fulfillment.
When you, the people, woke up and warmed up to the idea of Biafra actualization—at that moment—you took the first step in the formation of Biafra government. When you, the people, raised your awareness, recalled and reclaimed your Biafra-ness, you started on the road to the formation of Biafra government. When you finally cried out: “Give us
Knowing that it is the people that form and commission a government, you can now understand that it is up to you, the people of Biafra, not BBC, to do the things necessary to successfully form a government. It is up to you, the people of Biafra, not CNN, to do the things that will ensure a viable government. It is up to you, the people of Biafra, not the UN, not the EU, not the US, not the UK, to build your government to the standard that reflects Biafra and that is demanded by the Spirit of Biafra. The formation of the Biafra government, whether in exile or in situ, is our task: the people's task—individually, severally and collectively. And, as mentioned earlier, we, the people of Biafra, have started on that task the day we re-embraced
What does this really mean? It means that we shall task ourselves to do the things that we have to do, when we have to do them, and however it is determined by us that we have to do them. And, we shall keep doing those things until the symbol of the Biafra government is seated under our Biafra National Colors and Coat of Arms somewhere in Biafraland proper. We shall do these things as individuals, as groups, as masses, and then, as one Nation, whenever called upon to do them.
What do we need? We need Courage. We need Determination. We need Stamina. We need Focus: to train our eyes on the Prize—
Be ready! In the name of Biafra, we shall each and all be asked to do our part, no matter how little or seemingly insignificant. We will be asked to do things that are very difficult, and could even lead to, or spell, danger—even mortal danger—and those who can, will oblige. We shall ask of ourselves sacrifice. We will respond. We will do. We will act.
So, fellow Biafrans, look around you: make peace with your brother and with your sister because we will all need it. Where it is not possible to make peace, then arrange a truce in the name of Biafra. Out of respect for, and regard to, Biafra, join in cooperative action with fellow Biafrans though you may disagree on other matters. Even if you can’t bring yourself to do this, then make a vow that you will never deliberately place an obstacle in the way of a brother or sister who is working towards Biafra actualization.
Please do not bother to ask where God is on this matter. God created Biafra and then, created you Biafran and placed you in the land known as Biafra. Just as God removed the people of Israel from the oppressive and enslaving Pharaoh and Egypt, God has planned to remove you from the equally bad or even worse Nigeria, that you may live and reap the benefits of your Divine creation as Biafrans in the land of His creation, Biafra. God is doing His part. Let us do our part.
That’s the news analysis for the week. Thank you.
God bless and keep
Ndi Biafra, anyi ekele unu.
Nka bu akuko nke anyi na kpo News Analysis si na Voice of Biafra International Radio di na Washington DC na ala Amerika na abia ra unu na abali a.
Na mbido, anyi na ewetara unu okwu si na onu Chineke anyi, na asi na Ya Onwe Ya wu Chineke agaghi ekwe ka okike Ya, nke unu dum bu, la na iyi site nihi ihe ojo ahu ana akpo Nigeria. Chineke na ekwu si, Nigeria ga anwu, ma na okike nke Chineke, nke unu dum bu, ga adi ndu, ma na eri kwa ndu, bie kwa ogologo ndu. Ndi Biafra: eji kwala Okwu nke Chineke egwurie egwu. ma ka na Okwu Chineke wu kwa Chineke.
Unu anu go maka ihe gbasara ochi chi nke Biafra nka anyi na akpo, Government in Exile. Onwa isii gara aga mgbe anyi nwere nzuko
Ma na anyi na agwa ndi Biafra na “Ochichi Biafra in Exile” abughi ihe na eme otu mbge. Odi ka ije njem. Njem nwere mbido, nwe kwa ogwugu. Onye na eje njem mara ebe one je; o ga kwado kwa nkwado. Ya kwado cha a, ya ebilie, ga wa ebe one je. O ga naga gi de njem ahu tutu ya erue ebe ahu ochoru iga. Ebe ahu anyi na aga wu Biafra, na ochichi Biafra.
Anyi na agwa kwa ndi Biafra na ochichi, ma obu ihe ana akpo Government, awughi kwa ihe wuru wuru na ihe ndi oshi na ndi ama, ndi wayo na ndi obi ojo di ka ochichi Nigeria di. Owurugodu na nde ufodu na ime anyi amaghi, ma obu na ha echefue la, mara kwa nu na nde Igbo na nde Biafra mara ka esi achi onwe ha tupu ochichi ndi ocha a bia. Otu anyi si achi onwe anyi mgbe mbu mara mma ka ria. Ndi mmadu—ndi obodo: Oha—na eji aka ha ghoputa ndi ga agara anyi ozi. Ndi madu na ile (Oha) na aputa na ogbakoro, ebe onye owula nwere ohere ikwu ihe no ya na obi gbasara ihe obula ana ekwu okwu ya. Mgba onye owula kwu siri, owuru ma enweghi nkweta ozugbo, ndi okenye anyi aga gba izu; ha gba cha izu, ha ala aghachi bia gwa ndi mmadu (Oha) ihe ha gbatara na izu, ka Oha we tule e.
Ihe wu isi okwu bu na o wu ndi mmadu (Oha) na achi onwe ha; ndi mmadu (Oha) na eji aka ha kwekorita na ihe ha ga eme, ji kwa aka ha ghoputa ndi ha ga ezi ka ha na agara Oha ozi. Nka a bu otu ochichi oma (true Government) na adi. Odi na aka ndi mmadu—na aka Oha.
Ochichi Biafra di naka unu na ile, ndi Biafra, maka unu wu Oha. Maka nke a, eche kwa la ka ndi CNN, ma obu ndi BBC, ndi America, ndi UK, ndi EU, ma obu ndi UN, me re gi ihe obula na ebe ochichi ma obu nzota nke Biafra di. Soso gi—Oha—ga akwado be ma ka njem a, ga kwa ije ya, rue mgbe anyi ga eru na ngwusi njem a—bu mgbe anyi ga enweta Biafra. Ihe a wu ogu Oha ga alu, oru diri Oha—oru diri mmu na ngi.
Onye owula na ime anyi nwere ihe o ga na eme ma ka anyi i ji nweta Biafra. Onye owula nwere obe nke ya nke oga ebu maka anyi ibido ochichi nke Biafra. Mgbe oge ruru, ma obu agurutu oge, anyi ga akpo onye nke a ma obu onye ozo, ma obu igwe mmadu, ma obu kwa Oha, ka ha me ihe ga enyere anyi aka i ji nweta Biafra. Na ihi nka, o ga adi nma ka anyi na ile ndi Biafra bi ri na udo, ma obu na nsopuru; ma obu anyi ga ekwe nkwa si na anyi agaghi eme ihe obula nke ga kwusi onye Biafra ibe anyi iru oru Biafra. Anyi na ile ga ekwe nkwa na anyi ga agagide njem a rue na ogwugwu ya, nke bu Biafra, nweta Biafra
Chineke kwu anyi na azu, po ro kwa anyi na ihu. Chineke jiri aka Ya ke e Biafra, ke e kwa anyi, me e anyi ndi Biafra. Ma ka nka:
Biafra ga adi! Biafra ga adiriri. Biafra adi wo!
Chukwu dube na gozie Biafra, na gi kwa.
Voice of Biafra International (VOBI) broadcast continues
Voice of
A SHORTWAVE Radio Broadcast Service
transmitting on 7380 kHz (on 41 meter band)
at 2100 - 2200 Hours UTC (Universal Time [Coordinated])
equivalent to
every Saturday.
A project of Biafra Foundation (BF) and Biafra Actualization Forum (BAF).